Automating NXOS with NetDevOps: NX-API, Python, Ansible, Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller & CI/CD
The Cisco VXLAN EVPN Programmable Fabric solution is designed for small enterprise customers to large service providers. The true solution benefit lies in the open programmable APIs and programmatic DevOps tools for automating the creation and collection of network constructs. The benefits are further enhanced by combining the Next-Generation Data Center Network Manager, Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC), with DevOps tooling. In this session, participants will work in a DevOps-style development environment with their own Programmable Fabric. Participants will first interface with their Programmable Fabric and learn how to automate tasks using NX-API with Python and Ansible. Participants will then import their Programmable Fabric into NDFC and learn how to automate tasks using NDFC's REST API with Python and Ansible. Concluding the lab, participants will implement a NetDevOps CI/CD pipeline leveraging GitLab, Python, Ansible, and NDFC for Day2 fabric operations and testing using Cisco pyATS Genie. Participants will achieve all this by following a concise lab that is focused on details, references, and more. The concepts from this lab can be leveraged in your own scripts, playbooks, or applications for a Programmable Fabric production environment.

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